It’s time for positive development in Sandy Hill and in all Ottawa’s neighbourhoods. If candidates want our votes, they need to take the pledge

(le français suit)

The Pledge

I recognize the importance of healthy, beautiful and sustainable neighbourhoods that make everyone in Ottawa proud. I pledge to work with community associations and organizations, City staff, and Council to develop the tools and processes necessary to Plan, Preserve, and Enforce! That means:

  • I promise to promote human-scale development in Ottawa’s neighbourhoods that serves the priorities of the people who live there (as defined by them); is compatible with their existing architectural and cultural heritage; and only permits growth and renewal in keeping with the above;
  • I promise to revive, protect, and sustain the diverse architectural and cultural heritage of Ottawa’s neighbourhoods;
  • I promise to dedicate adequate resources for enforcing property standards and bylaws.


Il faut promouvoir un développement sain pour la Côte-de-Sable ainsi que dans l’ensemble de la ville d’Ottawa. Si les candidats veulent nos votes, ils doivent prendre cet engagement

Cet Engagement

Je reconnais l’importance de quartiers sains, beaux et durables qui font la fierté de tous à Ottawa. Je m’engage à travailler avec les associations et organisations communautaires, le personnel de la Ville et le Conseil pour développer les outils et les processus nécessaires pour planifier, préserver et faire respecter les lois! Cela signifie:

  • Je promets de promouvoir le développement à l’échelle humaine dans les quartiers d’Ottawa qui prend en compte les priorités des personnes qui y vivent (telles qu’elles sont définies); est compatible avec le patrimoine architectural et culturel existant; et ne permet que la croissance et le renouvellement conformément à ce qui précède;
  • Je promets de faire revivre, protéger et préserver le patrimoine architectural et culturel diversifié des quartiers d’Ottawa;
  • Je promets de consacrer des ressources adéquates à l’application des normes et des règlements relatifs à la propriété.



The Action Sandy Hill Save Sandy Hill Campaign contacted the candidates for municipal office during the 2018 election campaign and asked them to take the pledge. We have posted the responses provided during the campaign by the candidates who were ultimately elected below.


How The Successful Candidates Stand On The Pledge


Updated 21 December 2018 to show elected candidates.

Running for: Candidate: Response:
Mayor Jim Watson ELECTED
Ward 1 – Orléans Matthew Luloff


I accept your pledge

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Ward 2 – Innes

Laura Dudas ELECTED
Ward 3 – Barrhaven Jan Harder ELECTED
Ward 4 – Kanata North Jenna Sudds ELECTED

Ward 5 – West Carleton-March

Eli El-Chantiry ELECTED

Ward 6 – Stittsville

Glen Gower ELECTED
Ward 7 – Bay Theresa Kavanagh ELECTED

Ward 8 – College

Rick Chiarelli ELECTED
Ward 9 – Knoxdale-Merivale Keith Egli ELECTED

Ward 10 – Gloucester-Southgate

Diane Deans ELECTED
Ward 11 – Beacon Hill-Cyrville Tim Tierney ELECTED
Ward 12 – Rideau-Vanier Mathieu Fleury


I, Mathieu Fleury, will be accepting your invitation to take the pledge.

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Ward 13 – Rideau-Rockcliffe Tobi Nussbaum


Tobi is pleased to support the pledge

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Ward 14 – Somerset Catherine McKenney ELECTED

Ward 15 – Kitchissippi

Jeff Leiper ELECTED

Ward 16 – River

Riley Brockington ELECTED
Ward 17 – Capital Shawn Menard


I take the pledge

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Ward 18 – Alta Vista

Jean Cloutier ELECTED

Ward 19 – Cumberland

Stephen Blais ELECTED
Ward 20 – Osgoode George Darouze ELECTED
Ward 21 – Rideau-Goulbourn Scott Moffatt ELECTED
Ward 22 – Gloucester-South Nepean Carol Anne Meehan


I happily take the pledge

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Ward 23 – Kanata South Allan Hubley ELECTED