Our Mission Statement:
Action Sandy Hill supports and defends Sandy Hill as a diverse, historic, and green community within a vibrant neighbourhood which welcomes people from all walks of life.
Our Mandate:
To understand and support the interests of Sandy Hill residents in matters of community concern.
To this end, the Board and the formal committees actively communicate with and educate the community on matters affecting the future of Sandy Hill by means of monthly meetings, invited speakers, the ASH website, a monthly ASH newsletter, as well as through our social media on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. The community newspaper, IMAGE, is a great source of information and offers a platform for residents to voice their ideas and opinions. ASH also cooperates with other community association, particularly the Lower Town Community Association and the Vanier Community Association, and groups on matters of common interest.
Our Structure:
The association is comprised of a Board of Directors, which is elected each year in May at the Annual General Meeting. The committees of the Board are responsible for matters of concern to the Sandy Hill community. The association and its committees meet monthly except in July (summer break) and December (winter break). Recommendations for action emanating from the committees or general membership are made to the President and the Board.
ASH members elect a volunteer Board of Directors at the Annual General Meeting. The directors also serve on working groups to carry out the responsibilities and objectives shown below.
The board of directors:
Is responsible and accountable to the community of Sandy Hill
Operates in a transparent, accessible manner
Embraces the diversity of Sandy Hill residents
Strives to conduct its business in both official languages
À la réunion générale annuelle, les membres ACS éliront un conseil d’administration bénévole. Le conseil sert aussi comme groupe de travail pour effectuer les responsabilités et les objectifs décrits ci-dessous.
Le conseil d’administration :
Est responsable de la communauté Côte-de-Sable.
Fonctionne clairement et de façon accessible.
Approuve la diversité des résidents de Côte-de-Sable.
Fait son possible pour gérer ses affaires dans les deux langues officielles.
See ASH’s Bylaws and our Terms of Reference
President: Louise Lapointe
Vice-President: Calla Barnett
Treasurer: Megan Reilkoff
Secretary: Jerry Sabin
Executive Committee Terms of Reference
2024 – 2025 DIRECTORS
Michael Barnes
Calla Barnett
Nicholas Harrison
Arto Keklikian
Mikaela Kennedy
Fernando Melo
Patrick Munro
Megan Reilkoff
Jerald Sabin
Marilyn Whitaker