TOWN AND GOWN COMMITTEE – Housing Working Group


To discuss study, recommend and find ways to implement policies, by-laws, actions and practices aimed at improving the overall condition and quality of rental housing within Sandy Hill; be it existing or proposed. The group will also discuss planning policies at the municipal level as they relate to improving the condition and quality of housing within Sandy Hill.

COMITÉ MIXTE UNIVERSITÉ-COMMUNAUTÉ – Groupe de travail sur le logement


En vue d’améliorer les conditions générales et la qualité du logement locatif de la Côte-de-Sable, discuter, étudier, recommander et identifier des pistes afin de mettre en œuvre des politiques, des règlements, des actions et des pratiques en ce sens et aussi discuter des politiques municipales d’urbanisme en la matière.

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The next meeting of the Housing WG will be on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 from 4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. in Lounge 140 of the Residence building at 90 University. That is on the pedestrian pathway, immediately South-West of the Morisset Library (the main library).

The agenda will be:

  1. a University of Ottawa presentation on how the off-campus housing directory and services operate now;
  2. a discussion of ideas of how they could operate better; and
  3. if time permits, a review of how the University intends to operate the new off-campus student housing complexes (e.g. the staffing and services to be provided).

Housing WG Agenda 19-June-2013 (Draft)

Meeting Summary – January 16, 2013


Last Updated: 19-October-2013