Underlying the planning for all of the above mentioned major projects (Downtown Tunnel and LRT plan, New Inter-provincial Bridge, Inter-provincial Transit Evolution, Road, Transit, and Cycling projects) is a single document the City calls the Transportation Master Plan. This document is updated every 5 years and contains all the assumptions in growth in population, car traffic, and transit for over the next 20 year period. The document then goes on to detail all the foreseen transit, road, and cycling projects the city forecasts are needed to accommodate this growth over this time period. It is an informative document and well worth reading. Any new road projects that are to be built will first be detailed here.

Further details regarding the 2008 Transportation Master Plan process: (including valuable statistics on travel demand in the Ottawa area) can be found at:



During 2012 significant activities occurred reviewing the data and assumptions that were used to develop the next iteration of the plan which was released in 2013.

Ottawa Cycling Plan Update

The City of Ottawa   completed an update to its 20 year vision Cycling Plan. The Action Sandy Hill Transportation representative was involved with the Bike Ottawa advocacy group in reviewing and making comments on the plan to the City of Ottawa.

More information can be found at:


Last Updated: 28-Sept-2012