Following is an inventory of known changes to the road, cycling, transit, and pedestrian infrastructure inside and around the periphery of Sandy Hill since 2010.



Rideau St re-development:

  1. Sidewalks were widened in many places, but narrowed in a few places also (At Nelson, south side)
  2. WB right turn lane removed at Rideau/Cumberland (sidewalk widened),
  3. left turn lanes in both directions removed at Rideau/Chapel
  4. Multiuse-Pathway added through parkette at east end of Besserrer (now possible to cycle through to Rideau)


  1. Laurier Cycling lane Westbound extended east to start at Cumberland
  2. Cycling lane added on Cumberland both directions from Laurier to  Wilbrod
  3. Cycling lane on Wilbrod/Stewart has sewer grates relocated to curb instead of on the cycling lane
  4. Counterflow cycling lane added SB on Cumberland from George to Besserrer


  1. Bollards added along truck route to protect pedestrians against right turning trucks (at Rideau/Cumberland and Rideau/KingEdward)
  2. Speed humps added (2) on Mann between King Edward and Russell
  3. Adawe bridge opens (Dec 2015)
  4. Winter maintenance begins on East-West bikeway through Sandy Hill
    • in practice it only means they haul away the snow out of the bike lane whenever there is a snowfall above 7cms.


  1. flex stakes added to separate bike lanes on Wilbrod and Stewart from traffic lanes
  2. Stewart St road narrowing (greenscaping) completed
  3. Somerset E. advisory bike lanes implemented
  4. Traffic calming flex stakes (2) added on Mann east of Chapel
  5. Traffic calming flex stakes (2) added on Marlborough (between Templeton and Somerset)
  6. Traffic calming flex stakes (2) added on Blackburn
  7. ‘Slow’ Painted on pavement on Chapel between Somerset and Templeton
  8. Pedestrian Crossing added at Mann & Russell
  9. Sidewalk crack/patching/levelling work (Cumberland, Nelson, possibly otherrs)
  10. UofO pedestrian underpass:  cycling route no longer crosses pedestrian route
  11. Bus route modifications onto Laurier and KingE and reconfig (no EB left turns) at KingE/Laurier intersection as a result of the Transitway closing to buses for LRT construction
  12. Fixing of some areas of water puddling on East-West bikeway on Laurier Ave east (but more areas of puddling form mostly as a result of the impact on the pavement due to the large number of additional buses now diverted onto Laurier Ave.
  13. Conversion of 1st block of Nicholas south of Rideau to become a pedestrian mall
  14. Traffic light timing changes at Laurier/King Edward to give pedestrians several seconds advance green prior to general traffic


  1. Signal activated pedestrian crossing of Lees added near Chapel to access transit stop
  2. Planned PXO for Nelson crossing of Stewart St
  3. Cross Ride implemented across Colonel By from UofO to Corktown bridge
  4. “slow” pavement markings on Chapel (Somerset to Osgoode)
  5. “slow” pavement markings on Range Rd
  6. “slow” pavement markings on Mann Ave, buffered parking lanes
  7. Flex stake(s) on Russell (Templeton to Mann)
  8. Flex stake(s) Besserer St (King Edward to Chapel)
  9. Flex stakes added to buffer cyling lanes on Cumberland from traffic (Laurier to Stewart)
  10. Seraphim-Marion reconstructed to 1-way with reconstructed sidewalks as well as a sidewalk extension north-south across the street on the west side of Cumberland
  11. Rideau St from Dalhousie westward reduced to 1 lane in each direction and with much wider sidewalks
  12. Bus route #5 broken in half with the #19 added as the eastern half.
  13. Visibility for NB cars improved on Nelson (at Osgoode) – by shifting some parking on Osgoode east of Nelson from south to north side of Osgoode
  14. Multi-use pathway opened on western side of Rideau River south of the 417


  1. No parking here to corner signs added along Somerset at Blackburn, Goulbourn, Marlborough in order to reduce the incidence of cars parking less than 7m from the intersection (which caused visibility challenges for cars travelling N-S crossing Somerset)
  2. No parking here to corner on Laurier S. side EB at Russell in order to reduce the incidence of cars parking less than 7m from the intersection (which caused visibility challenges for cars travelling N-S crossing Laurier)
  3. Traffic Signal Head added at Somerset/KingE to give E-W cyclists a green light jump relative to cars.
  4. Turn Mann at Goulbourn into a 4-way stop
  5. Implement a full cross-ride of Colonel By at the LRT Campus station underpass
  6. Put in 40km/hr gateway signage on all streets entering south Sandy Hill from Laurier/KingE thus making 40km/hr the official speed limit for the whole neighbourhood


  1. Changed the 40km/hr gateway signage on all streets entering south Sandy Hill from Laurier/KingE to 30km/hr making this the official speed limit for the residential streets throughout the neighbourhood
  2. Added 30 km/hr gateway speed signage on all of the residential streets north of Laurier Ave
  3. Re-opening of the highway 417 eastbound on-ramp at Lees Ave which had been closed for 4 years as a consequence of LRT Stage 1 construction.
  4. Installation of bi-directional segregated cycling facility on Rideau St. from Sussex Dr to William St.
  5. Widening of sidewalks and reduction from 4 lanes to 2 lanes of Rideau St between Sussex Dr and Dalhousie St.


  1. Traffic Calming Completed as part of the Range/Mann/Templeton/Russell sewer renewal work:
    1. Add road narrowing bulbouts at intersections along Templeton between Mann and Chapel
    2. Narrowing of Templeton St and reduction of parking to one side of the street
    3. Widen sidewalks from 1.5 to 1.8m on Templeton, Mann (from Range to Chapel)
    4. Add a 1.8m wide sidewalk on east side of Range (Somerset to Mann)
    5. Fix the issues with lack of stop compliance at Range/Mann intersection
    6. Raised the intersection of Range at Somerset East.
  2. As part of Combined Sewage Storage Tunnel Project works planned for 2019 on Cumberland at Wilbrod:
      1. Add  SB raised cycle track on Cumberland (Stewart to Wilbrod)
      2. Add flex stake buffered NB cycle lane on Cumberland (Wilbrod to Stewart)