From: Ward 9 Campaign <>
Date: Fri, 12 Oct 2018 at 11:19
Subject: Re: Please sign our Pledge
To: <>

I, Luigi Mangone accept the pledge.

“I recognize the importance of healthy, beautiful and sustainable neighbourhoods that make everyone in Ottawa proud. I pledge to work with community associations and organizations, City staff, and Council to develop the tools and processes necessary to Plan, Preserve, and Enforce! That means:
• I promise to promote human-scale development in Ottawa’s neighbourhoods that serves the priorities of the people who live there (as defined by them); is compatible with their existing architectural and cultural heritage; and only permits growth and renewal in keeping with the above;
• I promise to revive, protect, and sustain the diverse architectural and cultural heritage of Ottawa’s neighbourhoods;
• I promise to dedicate adequate resources for enforcing property standards and bylaws.”

I am running in the Knoxdale-Merivale ward and I feel the need to hold these values not only for Sandy Hill and Knoxdale-Merivale but for the whole City of Ottawa. I will make sure that community associations and organizations are consulted before any decision Council and the Mayor makes. It is important to have communication as the first tool to plan, preserve, and enforce. Thank you for this opportunity to show that I care about my community. 

Luigi Mangone
City Councillor Candidate 
Ward 9 Knoxdale – Merivale