Sandy Hill Poetry Project

Rebecca Gibbons, a Sandy Hill community member has launched a poetry project. Rebecca writes “I’m inviting community members to write a poem about their pandemic experience, record it using their voice, and share it with others.” Here are the details:


We want to know what this past year – during the pandemic – has meant to you?

The Sandy Hill Poetry Project invites you to write a poem about your experiences.

Everyone has been through a lot during the pandemic. There have been highs and lows. Share your story through this initiative and inspire those around you.

The first 20 poems submitted will receive a 10$ gift card to Happy Goat Coffee Company!

It’s as simple as this:

1.       Write a short poem.

Put in writing a short personal reflection on the pandemic. A few stanzas will do!

2.       Do a voice recording of your poem (90 seconds max).

You can use the Voice Memos app (iPhone), a simple voice recorder app (Android), or any other recording device.

3.       Send the voice recording to by Sunday, July 18th, 2021.

A website will be created for the Sandy Hill Poetry Project. There you can listen to the poems of others in your neighbourhood. Everyone is encouraged to participate, regardless of your poetic experience. Poems can be in English or French.

Take time to reflect and create, and share your thoughts about your pandemic experiences.

If you have any questions, please email

This project is supported by a community service grant and TakingITGlobal.