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History – NCC Long Term Interprovincial Integrated Crossings Study (2021)

The 2020 Federal budget commissioned and funded the NCC to conduct another study of Interprovincial Transportation. This study referred to as the LTIIC (Long Term Interprovincial Integrated Crossings Study) was to take a broader look at the long term transportation needs (out to 2050) and the full set of transportation options available (transit, active transportation, tunnel, bridges) and to recommend a framework for moving forward for long term interprovincial transportation planning decisions in the National Capital Region.  ASH participated in several rounds of public consultations for this Study and the final report was ratified by the NCC board in Jan 2022.

The LTIIC Study recommended that a new transit link be constructed as planned across the river from West Gatineau into downtown Ottawa.  The Study also recommended further consideration of a ‘transit loop’ between the two downtowns and forecast that a new bridge across the Ottawa River would be needed in the long term.  Due to the disruption of the 2020-2022 Covid pandemic the report could not recommend a timeframe when such a bridge would be needed and instead focused on establishing a formal data gathering initiative to more closely track changes in interprovincial travel trends for cars and trucks.

This recommended set of actions offered no potential of any change to the 50+ year old problem of interprovincial trucks snaking their way through the Sandy Hill and Lowertown neighbourhoods.

NCC LTIIC Study Final Report

ASH position adopted in response to release of LTIIC draft report

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