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Somerset East Improvements

After the reopening of the uOttawa tunnel in August 2016, cycle lane markings were added along Somerset St E by the City in October 2016, very similar to those proposed at the meeting in March 2016.  Reaction from the community has generaly been positive and it’s very noticeable how much bike traffic is flowing along the street and over the bridges.

Here’s a link to a video that the City has produced explaining how  Advisory Cycle Lanes work.

Other changes are being considered in the longer term.  If you have suggestions please contact ASH at info@ash-acs.ca.


A special presentation was made on Wednesday March 30, 2016 at the Sandy Hill Community Centre.

  • City staff presented their proposal for bike lanes on Somerset East.  Work is planned to start this summer.
  • The proposal is designed to create bike space on Somerset (a fairly narrow street) without making major changes in the short term.
    • It must accommodate two-way traffic, the existing OC Transpo bus routes with parking along one side.
    • It introduces a new concept (to Ottawa) of “Advisory Bike Lanes”, marked with dashed lines which are understood to be shared
  • ASH Director Susan Young also spoke about local de-paving plans to “green” Somerset.  The initial areas to be improved will be:
    • Chapel and Somerset north-east and south-west corners
    • Sweetland and Somerset south-east corner
    • Russell and Somerset north-west corner
    • The north side of Somerset near King Edward

To express your opinion in this subject please contact ASH at info@ash-acs.ca.

Une présentation spéciale a eu lieu le mercredi 30 mars, 2016 au Centre communautaire Côte-de-Sable.

  • Personnel de la Ville ont présenté une proposition pour les pistes cyclables sur Somerset Est. Les travaux devraient commencer cet été.
  • La proposition vise à créer un espace de vélo sur Somerset  (une rue assez étroite) sans apporter de modifications majeures à court terme.
    • Il doit permettre la circulation dans les deux sens, les lignes de bus d’OC Transpo existants avec stationnement le long d’un côté.
    • Il introduit un nouveau concept (à Ottawa) de “pistes cyclables consultatifs” (notre traduction), marqué par des lignes en pointillés qui sont compris d’être partagés
  • Directrice d’ACS Susan Young a également parlé de plans locaux d’enlever le pavage sur Somerset pour le faire plus vert. Les premiers domaines à améliorer seront:
    • Chapel et Somerset angles nord-est et sud-ouest
    • Sweetland et Somerset angle sud-est
    • Russell et Somerset angle nord-ouest
    • Le côté nord de Somerset près de King Edward

Pour exprimer votre opinion veuillez contacter ACS à info@ash-acs.ca.


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