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Sandy Hill Tree Group

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(Strathcona Park trees,  photo: Judith Gustafsson)

 For information on planting trees, see Ecology Ottawa’s Tree Ottawa page.

Sandy Hill residents have formed a Tree Group. Join us! Email sandyhilltreegroup@gmail.com and we will add you to the Group’s distribution list.  The group has brain-stormed the following ideas to improve the tree canopy in, and green up, Sandy Hill:
  • Plant a community orchard in Strathcona Park next to the Community Gardens just south of Dutchie’s Hole.
  • Build on existing work to develop a tree inventory for Sandy Hill and link it to Tree Ottawa’s Open Tree Map.
  • Call on the City to:
    • Link street de-/repaving and reconstruction to traffic calming and greening, with the support of those residents whose street is being repaved.
    • Propose traffic calming bulb outs with perennial-filled beds.  Perennials are to be donated by SH residents with composted soil and access to the ground layer by the City.
    • Here are two examples:  one from Laurier Ave. in Montreal and the other from Booth St. south of Gladstone:

  • Apply more strictly its rules around construction and the protection of trees.  Protection needs to include the entire root ball of the tree, not just the trunk.
  • Plant a diverse variety of native tree species in its streetscaping and park planting initiatives including fruit and nut trees to increase our urban food forest where appropriate. 
  • Revive the Heritage Tree Program and work for Sandy Hill heritage trees to be protected.
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