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Sandy Hill Tree Group, July 2018 update

Hello everyone, and especially to new members Christina, Anna and John,

You may notice new Community Gardening signs in the gardens along Lees Ave. near Chapel, and next to Strathcona Heights. Our newest member John installed them yesterday. If anyone else is taking care of green space on City property, I still have a number of signs spare, just let me know if you’d like one.

Thanks to all the recent rain and two work parties, the various gardens we take care of are looking pretty presentable. The lilies in the Mann Ave. planters have suffered however, so if anyone has any extras, or other sun-loving perennials, please feel free to load them in.

One of our members, Michel Gauthier, is the Executive Director of the Tulip Festival. For our work in the neighbourhood, he is offering us a discount on a garden tour that takes place every Saturday. Go to http://www.gardenpromenade.ca/lee-valley-guided-bus-tour/ and use this code, FAMFRIENDS, for tickets at $10 (instead of $20) for the Saturday of their choice.

Thank you very much Michel!!

You’ll recall I represent Action Sandy Hill on the Community Ass’n Forum on Environmental Sustainability (CAFES). A smaller group of core urban ass’ns with strong views on trees fed very constructively into the City’s new Urban Forest Management Strategy. The City has asked that this core group be represented on the Tree By-law Review Stakeholder Working Group. Brian Ure, of Old Ottawa South Community Association (OOSCA), has volunteered to take the lead of the Urban Core Community Ass’ns for this review. He will be reporting back to the larger group on what is happening there. Jennifer Humphries (representing CAFES), Big Trees of Kitchissippi, Champlain Oaks, Ecology Ottawa and Greenspace Alliance are also on the group. If you’d like to follow this file, let me know and I will set up a sub-distribution list.

Our next work party is August 11, 10am to noon, meet at Chapel and Somerset. If anyone is doing any work on the other sites, just let me know, so I can send support if we have extra people. Once again, many hands make light work, so please come out to lend a hand. Last time Christina’s watering considerably sped up the process!

Finally, we have a member looking for an oak tree sapling. Please let me know if you have one, or know where to find one.

Warm regards,

Susan Young

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