Action Sandy Hill

Planning Committee – Terms of Reference

The broad mandate of the Planning Committee is to take care of matters pertaining to planning and zoning in relation to public and private properties and roadways in Sandy Hill on behalf of the ASH Board of Directors.

More specifically, the Planning Committee will, as appropriate and according to time, resources and priorities carry out the following activities:

  • Represent and work in the best overall interests of the community and work in collaboration with owners, developers, the City of Ottawa, the National Capital Commission (NCC) and the Councillor, push for broad and early consultation with ASH and the community, and encourage dialogue between all concerned parties, in relation to new developments, changes to existing structures, planning initiatives, zoning changes or any other planning issues or initiatives;
  • Encourage developers and owners to have their new developments or changes to existing structures reflect good planning principles, respect zoning bylaws and other municipal or provincial laws and policies, and fit within the context of the neighbourhood;
  • Represent and assist Sandy Hill residents in their communications with the City regarding City-led developments and planning initiatives in Sandy Hill (such as renewal projects, community design plans and/or the Secondary Plan);
  • Follow and participate in broader planning initiatives or studies undertaken by the City or NCC that should take the Sandy Hill perspective into account, or could have an impact on Sandy Hill (such as the Official Plan, the Transportation Master Plan, Choosing our Future initiative, Horizon 2067: The Plan for Canada’s Capital);
  • Undertake ASH-initiated planning projects or files that would be beneficial to Sandy Hill;
  • Ensure that the transportation related aspects of any developments in and around Sandy Hill are considered and are consistent with the characteristics of the neighbourhood;
  • Work to protect the heritage character of Sandy Hill and to encourage the respect of heritage designations;
  • Advise, and make recommendations to, the ASH board of Directors on all planning and zoning issues;
  • Make representations relating to planning and zoning before public bodies on behalf of ASH;
  • Be the first point of contact with respect to planning and zoning issues for ASH; and
  • Be an entry point of contact to the community for the City and NCC when a planning issue concerns Sandy Hill.

The Planning Committee will generally not become involved in disputes between two or more residents concerning a planning issue, unless the issue has broader implications for the community. However, the Planning Committee will be receptive to resident groups’ concerns with respect to a specific development or planning project when the broader interests of the community are at stake. The Committee may involve itself in relation to process in these matters. The Committee’s substantive position on such matters will be guided by good planning principles and considerations of what would benefit the community as a whole.

The Planning Committee will have two Co-chairs who will be responsible for coordinating and documenting the activities of the Committee, organizing regular and ad hoc meetings and setting the agenda for meetings in collaboration with the other members of the Committee.
The Planning Committee will report, and make recommendations to ASH on its activities at every Board of Directors meeting through its Co-chairs and will be accountable to the Board of Directors for its actions. The Co-chairs will submit a motion to the Board of Directors for a vote when a major or controversial decision or position must be taken in relation to a planning issue or file. The Planning Committee will generally keep the Board of Directors fully informed of its activities.

The Planning Committee may produce guidelines about the role of ASH and the Planning Committee in relation to specific or general planning issues, as well as procedures to be followed by the Planning Committee and other parties when engaging on a planning file or issue.

The Planning Committee will endeavour to inform, and communicate with, the community on planning issues that relate to Sandy Hill as much as possible and through various means.

If you wish to volunteer with the committee or have comments and questions on any planning and development issues, please direct your correspondence to

Read recent posts relating to Planning & Heritage.