Next Meeting: May 21, 2024 at 5:30 p.m.

If you are a Sandy Hill resident and have any questions or concerns about SHCLC activities or priorities, please reach out to

Meeting Agenda: TBD

SHCLC Update April 2024: Check out our new website: SHCLC (


Clean the Capital BBQ and Info Fair with the Sandy Hill Community Liaison Committee (SHCLC) on June 8 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m.! 

We are in the early planning stages, but stay tuned for more details as a location is set and participants are confirmed! It’s a great way to give back to the community and to meet all of the neighbours in North Sandy Hill: resident, pwlle, service providers and business representatives.

About the Sandy Hill Community Liaison Committee (SHCLC)

The Sandy Hill Community Liaison Committee is a collaborative effort between 5 different stakeholder groups. In a partnership between Action Sandy Hill, the Sandy Hill Community Health Centre and the City of Ottawa, with the support of facilitators from Canadian Institute for Conflict Resolution (CICR), Sandy Hill community members brought together to discuss the impact of the toxic drug supply and overconcentration of frontline social services in Sandy Hill.

The committee is representative of the broad community, with 5 representatives from each of the 5 stakeholder groups: business representatives; direct service providers; housed residents; people with lived or living experience and indirect services providers.

The Chair of the ASH Community and Social Services Committee sits on the SHCLC as a housed resident representative.

Click here for the full membership list (as of February 2024)


The SHCLC will provide insights, make connections, put forward recommendations, exchange information and offer suggestions to support the safety and wellbeing of all members of and services in the Sandy Hill community. Specific goals will be agreed upon by the SHCLC in its strategic planning for the short, mid and long term.


The SHCLC functions on the basis of consensus. There are 5 levels of consensus for each individual:

1. I say an unqualified yes.
2. I accept the decision.
3. I can live with the decision.
4. I do not fully agree with the decision, however, I will no block it and will support it.
5. I wish to express a dissenting view.

These different levels of consensus will allow the committee to come to comprise and understanding, while ensuring that one or two dissenting views will not stop the committee from moving forward, while they will be noted. If there is an entire stakeholder group with a dissenting view, then further compromise is needed and the action, strategy, etc. will not move forward.

The governing documents, grant proposals, advocacy efforts, and strategic priorities have been developed based on this consensus method.

SHCLC Governing Documents

The SHCLC has developed the following documents through the consensus method. These documents are “evergreen” in that they will grow and change with the SHCLC as needs arise. Any changes will be made based on the consensus method.

Terms of Reference
Strategic Priorities
Group Guidelines

SHCLC Meeting Notes

March 2024
Slideshows from March Meeting

Oasis Program at SHCHC

February 2024
Slideshows from February Meeting

Ottawa Public Health
Community Engagement Team
Belong Ottawa

January 2024
November 2023
October 2023