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Celebration Sandy Hill Mandate

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MANDATE: The Celebration Sandy Hill Initiative will undertake stand-alone projects geared towards branding and marketing Sandy Hill as the community of choice in which to live, work, play and do business in Ottawa. Such projects will seek to engage Sandy Hill-based stakeholders in order to bring about positive change to the neighbourhood.

The projects undertaken by the Initiative will respect the following principles:

  • Strike a balance between addressing the needs of short-term residents while also emphasizing the needs, desires and goals of permanent residents, with a view to ensuring a healthy neighbourhood social fabric;
  • Support development and services that cater to a diversity of generations in the permanent resident population;
  • Emphasize the national historic significance and heritage character of Sandy Hill’s identity;
  • Build on the roots of Sandy Hill’s historic Francophone community ;
  • Celebrate vibrant local businesses and services as crucial elements of Sandy Hill;
  • Ensure a sustainable and resilient neighbourhood, with high levels of green space, extensive tree canopy, and easy access to infrastructure for walking and biking; and
  • Maintain Sandy Hill’s role as one of Canada’s traditional diplomatic enclaves.

A Special Projects Initiative of the Outreach & Membership Committee.


Last Updated: 19-October-2013

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