Downtown trucks – learn about the issue and the position of the 2021 Board of Directors

­Learn About the Issue Since the Macdonald-Cartier bridge was constructed in 1967, King Edward Avenue, Rideau, Waller, and Nicholas streets (KERWN) have become a major interprovincial truck route.  This has had significant negative impacts along this corridor and on the adjacent communities. The continued existence of a high volume of transport trucks on our roadways continues to pose … Read More

Downtown trucks – Statement of the Board of Directors (2021)

­Action Sandy Hill re-affirms our position that any planning for interprovincial transportation changes must prioritize solutions that remove the non-local through truck traffic from the existing KERWN corridor. This problem exists due to the lack of proper connection between the 417 and 5/50 interprovincial highway systems within the National Capital Region (NCR)  It has continued to grow and … Read More

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