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January 2025 Monthly Newsletter

Lots of fun at the Sandy Hill Outdoor Rink!

Hello Action Sandy Hill Members!

This email contains information about the activities of your community association and neighbourhood. Newsletters, both present and past, can be found here. Please contact us at info@ash-acs.ca with any questions, concerns, and comments.

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Become an ASH member
The next Board meeting is on January 27 and will be a hybrid meeting; please send us an email at info@ash-acs.ca to request the login link to the meeting. To view minutes from past meetings, click here.

ASH Info

  1. Members’ Monthly Social
  2. ASH Board Meeting
  3. 2024 – A Year in the Life of Action Sandy Hill

Neighbourhood Info

  1. Sandy Hill Community Rink
  2. Rideau Public Library
  3. The City wants to hear from you!
  4. EARTHUB – Important Announcement
  5. 315, 321 Chapel Street and 8 Blackburn Avenue
  6. Vacant Unit Tax (VUT) Declaration
  7. Sandy Hill Trivia

Neighbourhood Events and Activities

  1. Sandy Hill Winter Carnival – January 26
  2. Sandy Hill Winter Classic – February 1
  3. Sandy Hill North Meet-up and Discussion – February 2
  4. Free Yoga for Seniors
1. Members’ Monthly Social
The next Social will be held on February 10 from 7 pm to 9 pm at the Working Title Kitchen on Laurier Avenue East. Join ASH Board members and fellow Sandy Hill residents for a fun evening of chatting. Whether you’re a long-time member or considering joining for the first time, everyone is welcome.

2. ASH Board Meeting

The next ASH Board meeting will be held on January 27.  Click here for the agenda and more details.


3. 2024 – A Year in the Life of Action Sandy Hill


  • Official opening of the Sandy Hill Community Rink operated by Community members for the Community
  • Sandy Hill Winter Carnival
  • First Annual Winter Classic at the Sandy Hill Community Rink
  • New Community Police Officer James Kennedy introduced to ASH


  • First Native Wildflower Information and Potting Session held for the Community
  • A quiet St Patrick’s Day in the neighbourhood


  • A group of enthusiastic residents met in Strathcona Park as part of the Cleaning the Capital event
  • ASH Annual General Meeting at which several new Board members were elected and amendments to the ASH Bylaw were approved by the membership.


  • ASH EcoFair
  • New City website created for Problematic properties
  • BBQ & Info Fair at the Sandy Hill Community Health Centre


  • Art in Strathcona Park


  • Sandy Hill Community Yard Sale
  • Start of the project to remove the invasive Buckthorn plant from the riverbank south of Strathcona Park by the ASH Environment Committee
  • Election of the new ASH Chair, Betsy Schuurman


  • Election of the new ASH Vice-Chair, Jackie Farrow
  • Food Truck Festival
  • A quiet Panda Game weekend


  • The One & Only Arts and Crafts Fair
  • The Good Books Sale


  • the first ASH Members Monthly Meeting

Ongoing throughout the year:

The work of the various ASH Committees which include:

  • Bylaw Enforcement
  • Community and Social Services
  • Environment
  • Outreach and Membership
  • Planning and Heritage
  • Town and Gown
  • Transportation Subcommittee
1. Sandy Hill Community Rink

Our Community Rink in Annie Pooktoogook Park (behind the Community Centre) offically opened on January 6. The supervised operating hours are :

  • Monday – Thursday – 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm
  • Friday – 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm
  • Saturday, Sunday – 11:00 am to 5:00 pm

The minus temperatures have allowed Alan and his crews to build up a good ice base. The rink and puddle (the large ice surface beside the rink) are flooded at least 4 times a week. Our rink attendants supervise the area to ensure everyone has an enjoyable time in a safe environment.

Thank you to all who left their Christmas trees at the rink. They have been placed around the rink to give it a more cozy feel.

So get your skates sharpened and come on down!


2. Rideau Public Library

Did you know that our branch of the Public Library on Rideau Street offers many programs including a book club, conversational French and English and a bilingual family story time? Click here for information on these programs.


3. The City wants to hear from you!

Recently we all received a note from the City inviting us to comment on thequality of life in our neighbourhood. With the information received from residents, the City hopes to improve its services. The note provides the QR code to receive the link to the survey. You can also get a link by texting the word ‘ottawa’ to 289-272-5553.

We encourage all residents to take the time to complete the survey. Future improvements start with us.


4. EARTHUB – Important Announcement

Unfortunately, Earthub is no longer accepting pill bottles. Please see the updated flyer of accepted items. Kindly ensure all items are clean and sorted before dropping them off in the Sandy Hill bin.

Questions? Email: environment@earthub.ca.


5. 315, 321 Chapel Street and 8 Blackburn Avenue

The City of Ottawa received a Site Plan Control application for 315, 321 Chapel Street, and 8 Blackburn Avenue. The site is located on the south side of Laurier Avenue East, between Chapel Street and Blackburn Ave.,The applicant is proposing the retention of the All Saints building and adding a nine-storey residential building with 121 condominium units and underground parking. The existing Bate Memorial Hall is proposed to be demolished.

Click here for more details.


6. The Vacant Unit Tax (VUT) Declaration

The VUT declaration form for the 2024 occupancy year is now open. All residential properties must complete this declaration by March 20, 2025. Annual declarations ensure that the City can accurately and effectively charge the VUT for vacant homes and encourage homeowners to return vacant homes to the housing market. Changes have been made to the VUT program for 2025.

Completing your declaration online is simple and takes less than 5 minutes. Log in through MyService.Ottawa.ca and submit the declaration through your property tax account. You may also visit Ottawa.ca/vut to submit the declaration. You will need your Roll Number and Access Code.

Late declarations are subject to a late declaration fee of $250. If you do not complete your declaration, your property will be deemed vacant, and you will be charged the VUT on the Final Tax bill in June 2025.


7. Sandy Hill Trivia

The Bridge before the Adawe Crossing Bridge!

1. Sandy Hill Winter Carnival – January 26
Come join us for an afternoon of free family activities at the annual Winter Carnival from 3 pm to 5 pm Sunday January 26, 2025 at Annie Pootoogook Park and the Sandy Hill Community Centre including horse-drawn sleigh rides, crafts, face painting, skating and a magic show.  There will be free hot chocolate, maple taffy and baked goods to enjoy.  Following the event, a dinner will be held in the gym from 5 pm to 6 pm at a cost of $5 per person.  Spread the word and come enjoy the winter weather.



2. Sandy Hill Winter Classic – February 1


3. Sandy Hill North Meet-up and Discussion – February 2

All are invited to join for a discussion of issues affecting the community in Sandy Hill North.

The meeting will be held upstairs at Melaku Coffee Shop at 503 Rideau on the first Sunday of every month.

Please email Betsy for more information.


4.  Free Yoga for Seniors



Click here to learn more about our generous corporate sponsor.

Our mailing address is:
250 Somerset Street East
Ottawa, Ontario K1N 6V6

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