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Minutes of the October 28, 2024 Board of Directors Meeting

Action Sandy Hill – Minutes

Meeting of the Board of Directors Monday, October 28, 2024

7:00 pm – 9:00 pm (in-person and virtual)

Present: Patrick Munro, Nicholas Harrison, Calla Barnett, Jerry Sabin (Secretary), Megan Reilkoff (Treasurer), Arto Keklikian, Mikaela Kennedy, Marilyn Whitaker, and Michael Barnes and Betsy Schuurman (Chair). 

Regrets: Fernando Melo

Guests: There were five guests. 

  1. Review and approval of agenda

Motion to approve.

Moved by Marilyn. Seconded by Nicholas. Carried.

  1. Approval of minutes

Motion to approve the minutes.

Moved by Jerry. Seconded by Mikaela. Carried.

  1. Word from the Chair

The Chair hopes to highlight the positive happenings in our community, including the opening of new businesses and other good news stories. 

The Chair is organizing monthly “Meet the Board” opportunities at All Saints. The first meeting is scheduled for Monday, November 11, 2024. 

The Chair and Secretary will work on ASH updates for publication in  IMAGE. The editors would now prefer that we submit our own updates, rather than relying on a correspondent. 

The Chair highlighted the opening of Oxygen Rideau, a yoga and fitness studio, at the intersection of Rideau Street and Chapel. She noted the significant change to the corner. 

  1. Word from the Councillor

The Panda Game was a success for the community. Best year yet for the event. There were no reports of bad experiences. The rain, in addition to all the other measures, made a difference. 

The Councillor is getting traction on the use of goats to remove invasive species. 

The Councillor provided an update on the proposed “bubble bylaw” that would prohibit protests around certain sites, including schools. She has received a lot of feedback. She is looking to see if the same kind of logic can be used for consumption services. 

The Councillor discussed the Ford government’s announcement on bike lanes. Councillor Plante is convinced that the province does not care about bike lanes in Ottawa, but rather are focused on bike infrastructure in Toronto. 

Night Mayor is looking to do night time events for Doors Open Ottawa in Ward 12. 

  1. Committee Reports

Treasurer’s Report – September 2024

Motion to adopt the Treasurer’s Report for September 2024.

Moved by Jerry. Seconded by Calla. Carried.

Community and Social Services Committee (CSSC)

The committee received an oral report from the CSSC.

Calla attended meetings with Dr. Etches and the City’s Community and Social Services committee. 

She reported on action by OCDSB for York Street School. Kids have to walk from 1.6 km away, which exposes them to social dysfunction, including open drug use. The Board’s Superintendent is working on this issue. 

The Liaison Committee to advocate for 24/7 deterrence based policing, 24/7 bylaw in anticipation of the closure of consumption and treatment services in Centretown. As a result, 43% of safe consumption sites will be located within 300 meters of York Street School. 

  1. Membership

There are currently 190 members of the Association. We gained four members and lost eight members.

  1. Review of Policies and Corporate Documents

The Board reviewed a list of corporate documents. Request to update information in the Google Document. 

Mikaela will create a policy on maintaining a volunteer list. 

  1. Homestead Funds

The Board discussed the history of these funds. There is currently $26,000 sitting in an account. We have had these funds for eight years.

The amount is not enough for a gazebo. Instead, the Chair made two proposals: 1) a shade structure or 2) a sculpture and/or sun dial. The shade structure would require matching funds from the City. 

Nick and the Planning Committee will be creating a subcommittee to consider these options. He commits to finding a site and determining what type of structure is feasible. The committee will also follow-up with the City about matching funds.

  1. New Business

Election of a new director 

Motion to appoint Jackie Farrow to the Board of Directors until the next Annual Meeting, to be held in Spring 2025. 

Moved by Mikaela. Seconded by Calla. Carried.

Motion to elect Jackie Farrow as Vice Chair for a two -year period until October 28, 2026, effective at the end of this meeting. 

Moved by Calla. Seconded by Nick. Carried.

  1. Horizon issues
  • ASH will explore the creation of a membership database. 
  • Bylaw Committee is working on an amendment to city bylaws for an opt-in process that allows the City to collect needles on residential properties. This may be ready for discussion in November. 
  • Ottawa Community Land Trust and whether ASH would like to make a financial contribution. 
  • CSSC priority issues will come to the Board in the coming months.
  1. Motion to adjourn

Motion to adjourn.

Moved by Mikaela. Seconded by Nick. Carried.

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